Potential Treatment for Dry Skin in Pediatric Eczema Patients
Trial Objectives
Many people with eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) have dry skin, in addition to their other symptoms, which can worsen itching, scratching and skin pain. Researchers want to know if dupilumab, a current immune system treatment for eczema, also may be able to have a long-term impact on dry skin in children with eczema.
Dupilumab is an approved biologic treatment for eczema and other inflammatory conditions. Research is still ongoing into different ways this medicine can help improve symptoms. In this study, researchers are evaluating the long-term effects of duplilumab on the skin barrier to determine if it can help reduce patients’ dry skin over time.
Volunteers will receive dupilumab injections at clinic visits. Their skin will then be monitored using a device that measures water loss from the skin. Sometimes visits will also involve putting tape on the skin to collect cells for further study of skin health and moisture levels.