The Division of Cell Biology is a research program in the Department of Pediatrics. Its mission is to foster and support cutting-edge basic and translational research into the biology and physiology of lung cells, innate and adaptive immune cells, and the signaling pathways that regulate their function.
The Division of Cell Biology is comprised of 15 full time primary faculty members with wet lab-based multi-disciplinary research programs focused broadly on lung injury, inflammation, cell biology, immunology, development, remodeling, repair and lipid mediator biology. These specialties have translational connections to acute lung injury, asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis and lung cancer. Several faculty members from the Pediatric Pulmonary and Allergy/Immunology Divisions, as well as the Departments of Medicine and Biomedical Research have secondary appointments in the Program in Cell Biology.
The Cell Biology is led by David W.H. Riches, Ph.D.
Cell Biology faculty members are highly collaborative across the Division, Department, and at an inter-Departmental level. They also collaborate and interact with faculty at the University of Colorado Denver. These collaborations and interactions include research projects, training and teaching opportunities as well as social interactions. Cell Biology faculty members also interact on a more or less weekly basis at the many seminars based at National Jewish or at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.
Cell Biology Faculty utilized all of the basic science related cores as well as the Biobank and Database at National Jewish.