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EILO: Lifestyle Management

This information was reviewed and approved by J. Tod Olin, MD, MSCS

Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) can be treated. Patients don't have to live with the frustration or anxiety of "not being able to get a good breath", chronic coughing, frequent throat clearing or intermittent hoarseness/wheezing.

A speech-language pathologist can provide treatment for VCD. 

Initial Consult

A speech-language pathologist will:

  • Assist in the identification of triggers
  • Provide education on anatomy and function of the throat, larynx and vocal cords
  • Provide education on techniques to prevent and eliminate VCD and regain control
  • Provide techniques to minimize abusive behaviors such as chronic coughing and frequent throat clearing

Follow-up Visits

A speech-language pathologist will:

  • Review and reinforce techniques
  • Provide support and encouragement for consistent application

Irritant Challenge 

A speech-language pathologist will:

  • Provide education/support for implementation of techniques to de-escalate VCD when exposed to triggers

Exercise Challenge  

A speech-language pathologist will:

  • Provide education/support for implementation of techniques to de-escalate VCD when triggered with exercise
  • Common challenges include walking, running, sprinting, biking, skating, swimming, dancing/cheering, wrestling, basketball and baseball

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