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10 Tips for Living Better with COPD

Although living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be challenging at times, there are steps you can take to improve your quality of life. These suggestions from our COPD experts will help you make lifestyle changes to better manage your COPD. As always, if you have any questions regarding how to implement these suggestions, talk to your doctor or seek out one of our experts for more information.

Modify your breathing to help reduce shortness of breath

Modify your breathing to help reduce shortness of breath

Practice pursed lip breathing and coordinated breathing to help move air into and out of your lungs.

Avoid getting ill

Avoid getting ill

Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with soap and water. Cough or sneeze into your elbow area or a tissue. Don’t touch your nose and mouth until you’ve washed your hands.

Keep your inhaler and nebulizer clean

Keep your inhaler and nebulizer clean

Clean breathing equipment often and carefully, following the item’s cleaning instructions.

Get the vaccines your doctor recommends

Get the vaccines your doctor recommends

It’s a good idea to get an influenza vaccine every fall and the vaccine series against pneumococcal pneumonia as recommended. Vaccination against COVID-19 should be up to date.

Learn how to bring up mucus

Learn how to bring up mucus

Practice deep coughing or huff coughing to help clear mucus out of your lungs so you can breathe better.

Eat to gain weight if that's your goal

Eat to gain weight if that's your goal

Eat five to six small, well-balanced meals a day, along with a snack with the appropriate number of calories. Avoid low-calorie foods.

Eat to lose weight if that’s your goal

Eat to lose weight if that’s your goal

Eat protein, vegetables and fruit with each meal. Do not skip meals. Have a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Avoid high fat or high sugar foods and drinks. Increase your physical activity.

Keep exercising

Keep exercising

Regular exercise can improve your heart, lungs and muscles, and it can help you breathe easier and feel better. Try walking, doing water aerobics or riding a stationary bike.

Give up smoking

Give up smoking

Giving up smoking and avoiding other dusts and environmental exposures like smoke from forest fires is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Ask your doctor about ways to quit and use these tips from our tobacco cessation experts.

Follow your doctor’s advice

Follow your doctor’s advice

Follow your doctor’s action plan for taking medicines, using oxygen as prescribed, getting enough sleep and rest, and watching your symptoms. Call your doctor when you have questions.

This information has been reviewed and approved by Barry J. Make, MD (November 2022).