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Advanced Diagnostic Laboratories

Deep Wound Culture

Test Code



Deep wound culture is used to determine infectious agents in normally sterile sites such as organs, deep abscesses and visceral/soft tissue below the dermis. This test is similar to  Tissue Culture (CXTIS).

  • This test includes Gram stain and culture.
  • Specimens sent under anaerobic condition will be cultured for both aerobic and anaerobic pathogens. Specimens not sent under anaerobic conditions will only be examined for aerobic pathogens. 
  • Common sterile sources include: Lymph node, brain, heart, liver, spleen, vitreous fluid, kidney, pancreas, ovary, vascular tissue, abscesses, deep tissue. 
  • Organisms seen in the Gram stain or recovered in culture from a sterile source are considered a critical result. Critical results are called to the ordering physician in accordance with the NJH critical policy.