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C3a Level Testing

The complement system is part of our innate immune response. It is vital to our defense against invasive microorganisms. Activation of complement pathway(s) results in the generation of biologically active peptides, also known as complement split products, and referred to as anaphylatoxins (C4a, C3a, C5a) which protect us from invasive microorganisms by enhancing inflammation, facilitating the clearance of immune complexes and apoptotic cells, enhancing cellular and antibody immune responses and altering vascular permeability, as well as smooth muscle contractility.

National Jewish Health Advanced Diagnostic Laboratories offers a C3a Radioimmunoassay to provide highly accurate measurements of C3a in human plasma. Elevated C3a levels can be associated with inflammation and infections, including sepsis, asthma, chronic renal diseases (IgA Nephropathy, C3 glomerulonephritis) and immune complex diseases such as cold agglutinin-mediated autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

About the C3a Level RIA Test

  • Accurate measurement of C3a plasma levels
  • 21 business day turnaround time
  • Stable for 2 weeks at -20 °C, or up to 2 years at -70 °C

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