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Monday, June 09, 2025, 9:30 AM 7:30 PM

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Old Oaks Country Club 3100 Purchase Street
Purchase, New York 10577

National Jewish Health Breath of Life New York Golf Tournament

Join your friends and colleagues in supporting the groundbreaking research and care conducted at National Jewish Health. This event has raised more than $7 million for care and research at National Jewish Health since it was founded by Nancy & James Berry Hill and Marjorie & Stephen Raphael in 1997 as the Fund to Cure Asthma Golf Tournament. James and Stephen are members of the National Jewish Health Council of National Trustees.


Tournament Chair
Roger A. Silverstein*

Chairs Emeriti
Robert E. Helpern*
Samuel B. Lewis*
Stephen B. Siegel**

Nancy & James* Berry Hill
Marjorie & Stephen* Raphael

*Member, National Jewish Health Council of National Trustees
** Co-Chair, National Jewish Health Council of National Trustees


    9:30 a.m.        
        Check-in Begins
        Driving Range & Putting Green Open

    10:30 - 11:45a.m.

    Noon (Promptly)                    
        Shotgun Tournament Starts
            • Hole-In-One
            • Longest Drive
            • Closest to the Pin


     5 p.m. 
        Cocktails, Dinner, Awards and Silent Auction


Sponsorships & Tickets

See Sponsorship Options

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Payments by Mail:

Breath of Life New York Golf Tournament
National Jewish Health
271 Madison Avenue, 19th Fl
New York, NY 10016

Please Note: If you are paying with a Donor-Advised Fund or IRA, goods and services must be paid separately.