Download Free Patient Education Materials
There are a number of written materials to support patient education at National Jewish Health. They include Understanding Booklets, Med Facts, Test Facts, Medication handouts and more. Some of these materials are also available in Spanish. You are welcome to download some of these materials in pdf form.
To search for another topic, enter a keyword into the space provided, or select from the topics in the drop-down menu below.
COVID-19 Patient Education MaterialsLearn more about COVID-19 and how it affects specific health conditions in these printable patient education materials. |
- Punch Biopsy of the Skin
- Puntos Claves de Terapia para Pacientes Con Dermatitis Atópica
- Quarantining with Kids
- Reacciones Alérgicas a los Animales
- Reacciones Alérgicas de los Ácaros de Polvo
- Reasons to Quit Smoking
- Recognizing Asthma Signs and Symptoms
- Recognizing Signs & Symptoms of COPD
- Recommended Snacks Following LINX Surgery
- Rehabilitación Pulmonar
- Resources for Giving Up Smoking
- Resources for Weight Management
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Rinitis Alérgica y No Alérgica
- Routine Pulmonary Function Test
- Sarcoidosis
- School Asthma Plan
- Scleroderma
- Seasonal Influenza and the Flu Vaccine
- Secondhand Smoke
- Secretin Stimulation Test
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Sinusitis
- Sinusitis (Español)
- Sjogren's Syndrome
- Sleep Disorders
- Small Bowel Follow Through (SBFT)
- Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Sniff Test (Diaphragm Fluoroscopy)
- Social Distancing, Self-Isolation and Self-Quarantine
- Spirometry Tests Your Lung Function
- Sputum Induction
- Stage 1: Recently Diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
- Stage 2 IPF: Needing Oxygen with Activity
- Stage 3 IPF: Needing Oxygen 24 Hours a Day
- Stage 4 IPF: Advanced Oxygen Needs
- Staying Tobacco Free
- Steroid Kinetic Study
- Stop Germs - Wash Your Hands!
- Stop the Spread of Germs
- Stress Cardiac MRI
- Supportive Therapy for Post-COVID-19 Symptoms of Orthostatic Intolerance
- SuPrep for Colonoscopy
- Synchronized Cardioversion for an Abnormal Heart Rhythm
- Tailored Barium Swallow Study
- Taking Care of Dry Skin Caused by Frequent Hand Washing
- Techniques to Bring Up Mucus, Manual Chest Physiotherapy for Infants and Children
- The Caregiver Journey: A Guide for IPF
- The Difference Between Tests for COVID-19
- Thoracic Surgery