On the Front Lines In New York City
Drs. Gabe Lockhart and Cathy Wittman, doctors at National Jewish Health have traveled to New York City to contribute their critical care skills at our partner Mount Sinai Hospital. Not only are they helping out, they are also gaining valuable experience in the COVID-19 crucible of New York’s intensive care units.
Dr. Lockhart has been blogging about his experiences in New York and the Mount Sinai intensive care units. (April 23, 2020)
We first looked into going into New York when they were really getting a shortage of physicians and nurses and respiratory therapists. With us being a leading respiratory institute in the nation, we really should have a hand in helping out in New York.
And, we have a great relationship with the Respiratory Institute at Mount Sinai, and we reached out and asked how can we help.
This was essentially my call to duty, this is my specialty, this is what I train for, and I was ready to enter that call.
The first New Yorker that we saw when we landed was our driver, and he was wearing a mask.
There was so much tension in the air that it was eye opening. It was the first introduction to, oh this is the real deal.
The majority of my ICU is full of patients infected with COVID. The vast majority were on the ventilator. It's tough on us when we are doing our best to give them the best chance to come out with a minor miracle, and when that doesn't happen, that tears us apart too.
It's heartbreaking to have not allow family members to physically come into the hospital. We have their loved ones on life support, and often are not suriving, and to not allow family members to come in and say their goodbyes, have their peace with the patient, that's absolutely heartbreaking.
We really don't let the patients die alone. We try to be at the bedside and give them a moment of peace when they do pass.
I believe that our medical providers have been so head first going into the battle of the hospital day, that you kind of forget what life was like before all this started.
There can be a cumulative effect over time where they're physically drained, mentally drained and emotionally drained. But, at the same time, there's a noticeable difference in how we're approaching these patients. And, we're gaining improvements, we're starting to see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel that maybe we are starting to get a little bit of a noticeable benefit and progressing to overcoming this pandemic.
As the week went along, and I saw the human spirit of the physicians there, and saw how progress has been made from the medical community, it was almost like I awoke the next day feeling like the sun was shining a little bit stronger.
And, it felt like the optimism that I didn't realize wasn't there anymore had come back, and that soon we're going to be waking up and it's gonna be a sense of normalcy again. It will be sooner than we think.
'Wear a mask at all times': Blog posts for 9News Denver
- Monday night, March 30, 10:40 p.m. ET
- Thursday, April 2, 1:17 a.m. ET
- Friday, April 3, 11:30 p.m. ET
- Wednesday, April 8, 1:48 a.m. MT
The information on our website is medically reviewed and accurate at the time of publication. Due to the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, information may have since changed. CDC.gov and your state’s health department may offer additional guidance. |