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Your doctor has scheduled you for a number of tests while you are at National Jewish Health. You will receive a schedule of your appointments.  Your schedule and this information will help you find the location of the tests. 

When you arrive at National Jewish Health, you will check in for your appointment in the Main Lobby. You will be directed where to go.

There are two main elevators you will use to get to appointments. The Galter elevator is in the Main Lobby, next to the front door and the
Check–In area. The Smith elevator is in the large waiting area in the Smith Clinic.

Smith Clinic

There is a large waiting area in the Smith Clinic. You may have several appointments in this area. Please check in with the concierge prior to each appointment even if they are in the same area.

These are the tests that are done in the Smith Clinic area:

Allergy Testing – Smith Clinic-East

Lab – Blood work is done in the lab located in the Smith Clinic. Check in at the lab desk in the Smith waiting area.

Scheduling - Check in with the concierge in the Smith Clinic.  You will be called to see a scheduler.


Cardiology is located in the basement. Take the Smith Elevator (located in the Smith waiting area across from concierge/lab check-in desk) to the basement level. Turn right when you exit the elevator and follow the signs.

These are the tests that are done in Cardiology:

  • Ambulatory BP Monitor
  • Cardiac Catherization
  • Cardiac Stress Test using meds with 1 and 2 day imaging
  • Echocardiogram
  • Holter Monitoring
  • Nuclear Cardiac Stress Test 1 and 2 day imaging
  • ECGs not associated with a Cardiology appointment

Imaging (Institute for Advanced Biomedical Imaging)

Imaging is on the 3rd floor. Take the Smith elevator across from the concierge desk in the Smith waiting area to the 3rd floor.

These tests are done in Imaging:

  • Abdominal X-Ray (KUB, Colon Transit Study) 
  • Barium Swallow
  • Barium Esophageal Swallow
  • Bowel Small Follow Through
  • Tailored Barium Swallow
  • CT scan of the Chest
  • CT scan of the Chest with Contrast
  • CT scan of the Sinuses
  • Nuclear Cardiac Stress test 1 and 2 day imaging
  • Nuclear Med Gastric Emptying Study
  • Nuclear Medicine Hida Scan
  • MRI
  • PET/CT
  • Ultrasound General and Vascular
  • Upper GI
  • VQ scan
  • X-rays

MIDC (Minimally Invasive Diagnostic Center)

MIDC is located on the first floor. The waiting area is across from the Check-in desk in the Main Lobby.

These tests are done in MIDC:

  • Bravo ph monitor
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Colonoscopy EGD
  • CT guided lung Biopsy
  • Endoscopy Pediatric
  • Food Challenge
  • Impedance And PH study for adults
  • Lung Biopsy CT guided
  • Manometry (Esophageal Motility)
  • Sigmoidoscopy


The nutritionists are located in the basement. Take the Galter elevator in the Main Lobby to the basement. Turn left and follow the signs. You will see the waiting area on the right.

Patient Education Classroom

You are welcome to attend any of the patient education classes while you are at NJH. The patient education classroom is located in the basement.  Take the Galter elevator in the Main Lobby to the basement. The classroom is across the hall, A01B.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary rehabilitation is located on the 2nd floor. Take the Smith elevator across from the concierge desk in the Smith waiting area to the 2nd floor.  The Check-in area is across from the elevator.

These tests are done in pulmonary rehabilitation:

  • PT Consult
  • OT Consult
  • Speech Therapy

Pulmonary Physiology Service (PPS)

PPS is located on the 3rd floor. Take the Galter elevator in the Main Lobby to the 3rd floor. The Check-in desk is across the hall as you get off the elevator.

These tests are done in PPS:

  • ABG (Arterial Blood Gas)
  • Bronchial ‘Provocation (Methacholine Challenge)
  • EIB (Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction)
  • Exercise Tolerance Test
  • Exercise Tolerance Test with Desaturation
  • PFT (Pulmonary Function Test)
  • Walk Oximetry
  • Laryngoscopy
  • Spirometry
  • PV Curve

Sleep Center

The Sleep Center is located in the basement. Take the Galter elevator in the Main Lobby to the basement. Turn left and follow the signs. You will see the waiting area on the right. You may have a Sleep Study in a different area.

You will be given some patient stickers. Some health care providers may ask for some during testing. Try to keep whatever isn’t used by the health care provider for your next appointment.

We hope this information helps you find your way to appointments. Please ask if you are having trouble finding your next appointment.


This information has been approved by Joy Wahl, RN (April 2012).