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This information was reviewed and approved by Sanny Chan, MD (10/31/2016).

There have been many news reports concerned with mold toxicity, linking mold to memory loss, lethargy, and even hemorrhage in infants. “Toxic mold syndrome” remains controversial and unproven, but experts agree that it’s best to limit exposure to molds.

Though rare, mold-induced infections are well known to occur, and are especially dangerous to people with weakened immune systems.

The most likely adverse reaction to mold is a respiratory allergic reaction in mold-sensitive people. These reactions are similar to other respiratory allergies, causing sneezing, watery eyes, nasal discharge and congestion.

People in certain professions may suffer disproportionately from mold allergies because of increased mold exposure. These include farmers, dairy workers, loggers, bakers, greenhouse employees and others.

Just like other allergies, mold allergies can be responsible for asthma and its potentially serious health consequences. In fact, 21 percent of current U.S. asthma cases are attributable to mold allergies. Households with a very high mold burden are much more likely to have a child with asthma.

Aside from the health risks, mold can directly damage anything from a small corner of a room to an entire house. Regularly testing for mold is not only a way to protect your family’s health but also a way to protect your real estate investment.

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