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This information was reviewed and approved by Ann Mullen, RN, CNS, AE-C, CDE, TTS (3/1/2020).

There are a few ways to help prevent anaphylaxis.

The Adrenaclick is an easy and convenient way to give epinephrine. Epinephrine is a medicine used to treat an anaphylactic reaction. Anaphylaxis is a systemic (whole body), life threatening allergic reaction. It is the most severe type of allergic reaction. The Adrenaclick is designed to provide fast, reliable first-aid for an anaphylactic reactions. It works quickly to help reverse symptoms which may follow exposure to insect bites and stings, food or drug reactions and exercise-induced anaphylaxis.

The Adrenaclick is compact and easily carried in your pocket, purse or fanny-pack. The Adrenaclick is pre-assembled, filled and ready to use right away. A tiny, concealed, spring-activated needle penetrates the skin once the syringe is activated. The Adrenaclick is available in two strengths: Your health care provider will prescribe the Adrenaclick that you should use. You should be taught how to use the Adrenaclick by a health care professional.


How to use an Adrenaclick

Giving the injection

  • Remove the Adrenaclick® from the carrier tube.

  • Pull off both grey (may be blue) end caps. You will now see a red tip.

  • Grasp the unit with the red tip pointing downward. Never put your hands, fingers or thumb over the red tip.

  • Hold the red tip near the outer thigh.

  • Hold the leg firmly when giving the Adrenaclick injection to someone else. This means holding a young child’s leg firmly in place and limiting movement.

  • Put the red tip against the middle of the outer thigh until it clicks so that the unit is perpendicular (at 90º angle) to the thigh. Do not inject into the buttocks.

  • Hold firmly against the thigh for about 10 seconds to deliver the medicine.

  • Remove the unit from the thigh and massage the injection area for 10 seconds.

  • Call 911 and seek medical attention right away. The effects from this medicine may wear off in 10-20 minutes.


Caring for the used Adrenaclick

  • Place the black portion of the carrying case on a firm surface. Slide the Adrenaclick into the case, needle with red end first. Place the other end of the carrying case over the Adrenaclick and close the case.

  • Take the used Adrenaclick with you to the hospital emergency room.


Special tips about using an Adrenaclick

  • Remember, if you use the Adrenaclick call 911 and seek medical attention right away. The effects from this medication may wear off in 10-20 minutes.

  • After using the Adrenaclick, most people experience a rapid heartbeat and "nervousness." Ask your health care provider for a complete list of side effects.

  • Watch for signs or symptoms of infection, such as persistent redness, warmth, swelling, or tenderness, at the epinephrine injection site. See the doctor if this occurs.

  • Keep your Adrenaclick at room temperature. Do not expose it to extreme cold, heat or direct sunlight. Refrigeration can cause the Adrenaclick to malfunction. Light and heat can cause the medicine to go bad, turning brown. Look through the viewing window of the unit regularly, to make sure the solution is clear and colorless.

  • Check the expiration date on your Adrenaclick. Be sure to replace your Adrenaclick before the expiration date. You can dispose of an expired Adrenaclick at the doctor’s office or hospital.

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