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Preparing for Summer Camp with Allergies & Asthma

Summer is here, and many children with allergies, asthma, food allergies and other health issues are heading off to camp. Use these tips to help you get the camp ready to care for your child’s health needs.

Group of children sitting in front of two camp counselors.

Ask who is responsible for medical care at the camp.

You need to know if there is a physician or nurse on site 24/7 and who will be administering medications.

Family packing car for a trip.

Meet the camp’s medical care provider and your child's counselor.

Introduce your child to the medical care provider so he or she knows whom to see for health needs.

Parent filling out a hard copy of their child's health action plan.

Provide a hard copy of your child’s health action plans to the camp’s medical staff.

Review daily, rescue and preventive medications and treatments; how to monitor symptoms; symptom triggers; emergency phone numbers and when to call 911.

Parent packing child's backpack

Send enough medication for the duration of camp.

Send all the medication, prescription and over-the-counter, that your child will need during camp.

Various inhalers, travel CPAP, and other medical equipment.

Provide medical equipment your child will need during camp.

This may include a inhaler spacer, peak flow meter, nebulizer and wet wrap supplies.

Camp cabin and picnic table

Ask where the medication is kept at camp.

Make sure your child knows where to go for medical help and medications, especially the quick relief or rescue inhaler for asthma.

Using a cellphone

Check in with the medical staff during the camp.

A brief check-in call or email can allow the camp staff to communicate a status report on your child’s health.