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Shannon LaFrance-Corum and physician

Insuring the Future of Collaborative Care

Shannon LaFrance-Corum’s story starts out like many patient stories from National Jewish Health. A life-threatening respiratory illness that remained un-diagnosable until visiting Denver. What makes her story different is how she is choosing to end it

Roger Gibson smiling with his wife

Generous Board Member Blends Giving Through IRA, Estate

As a lifetime asthmatic who has been a patient at National Jewish Health, Roger Gibson gives to the nation’s leading respiratory hospital because he recognizes how important the institution is to those living with lung, heart and immune-related diseases.

Debra K. Shaw and husband

Debra Kates Shaw

Debra Kates Shaw asked National Jewish Health cardiologist Andrew Freeman, MD, for a second opinion about her husband’s heart condition. She never imagined that his recommendations would include lifestyle changes instead of prescription medicine.

Laurie smiling

Compounding Legacies

The butterfly effect – the idea that actions as small as the flap of a butterfly’s wings can lead to great movement beyond the immediate environment. At National Jewish Health, we see this taking place through patients and donors like Laurie. After we restored her health, she was able to resume her efforts improving the lives of myriad others through her work, volunteering, teaching and philanthropy.

Martha Crothers standing by a tree

An Unparalleled Approach to Care

“One of the biggest reasons I support National Jewish Health with my IRA required minimum distribution is because as a former nurse, I love that they teach doctors from other hospitals and practices how to treat unique illnesses like the one I have,” Martha Crothers said.