Summary: Is Your Shower Head Making You Sick? NTM Could Be The Answer
A disease called nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) may be spread through water from contaminated shower heads into the lungs.”
What is NTM?
- NTM stands for nontuberculous mycobacteria
- Bacteria similar to tuberculosis (TB)
- There are over 200 different species of NTM
- Spread through environment, not person to person
- Cure rate is about 65-80%.
NTM Symptoms
- Chronic or recurring cough
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Lack of appetite
- Night sweats
- Loss of energy
Who can get NTM?
Anyone can get nontuberculous mycobacteria, but it mostly affects:
- People with underlying lung disease (e.g., COPD, bronchiectasis)
- Tall, thin women often with skeletal abnormalities such as scoliosis
- Immune compromised individuals
- 30,000 new NTM infections are diagnosed each year
Where is NTM Found?
- NTM bacteria are abundant in soil and water
- NTM can live in the shower head, indoor plumbing and charcoal filters
- Water droplets and steam in showers can carry the bacteria and be inhaled when showering
- Soil particles containing NTM can be inhaled when soil is disturbed
- NTM are found in all parts of the world
Preventing NTM
- Clean your showerhead by soaking in vinegar or a diluted bleach solution
- Replace showerheads periodically as needed
- Set water heater to 140° (use caution to avoid scalding)
- Remove the shower head completely
- Take baths instead of showers
- Avoid steam rooms, steam showers, hot tubs, and indoor pools etc. where steam or droplets with bacteria particles could be inhaled
- Wear a mask and gloves while gardening
Treating NTM
- Different species require different treatments
- The treatment duration is long, typically 12-18 months
- The goal of treatment is to render sputum cultures “negative” for one year
What is MAC NTM?
- Caused by group of bacteria called Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)
- Most common NTM species
- Most common cause of NTM in the U.S.
- Cure rate 65%
- Usually treated with 3 antibiotics
More Information on Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM)