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When Is Asthma Peak Week?

asthma peak week

This information has been reviewed and approved by Ronina Covar, MD (August 2023).

Summary: When Is Asthma Peak Week?

Back to school means a return of germ swapping and a dramatic increase in serious asthma attacks. Also triggered by seasonal allergens like ragweed pollen, attacks tend to climax during the third week of September, known as Asthma Peak Week.


10 Ways to Protect Against Asthma Peak Week

  1. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer often, especially before eating and touching the face, and after using the restroom.
  2. Follow an Asthma Action Plan.
  3. Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing.
  4. Monitor symptoms and peak flow rates (when available).
  5. Keep sick family members home.
  6. Use medication before symptoms begin.
  7. Consistently use asthma and allergy medications, even when symptom free.
  8. Minimize environmental triggers.
  9. Keep medication refills on hand.
  10. Keep asthma medication at school.


Asthma by the Numbers

  • 25% of all children’s asthma hospitalizations happen in September
  • 80% of asthma attacks in children and 50% in adults are caused by viral infections
  • 10.5M school days missed annually due to asthma
  • 14.2M work days missed annually due to asthma


Extra Credit: Watch for COVID-19 Symptoms and Vaccinate!

Children six months and older are now eligible for COVID vaccination. Check the current CDC guidelines (Opens in a new window) for more details.

Contact your doctor if you notice these common COVID-19 symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath


More Information on Pediatric Asthma

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