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Love Your Numbers

Health infographic

This information has been reviewed and approved by Andrew Freeman, MD, (December 1, 2022).

Love Your Numbers

These numbers, your health history, physical exam and other assessments all factor into your overall health evaluation. Know your numbers and take steps to make them healthier.

Blood Pressure

A blood pressure test measures the systolic pressure (top number) during heart beats and the diastolic pressure (bottom number) when the heart rests between beats.

  • 120 or less/80 or less

Coronary Calcium

Coronary calcium is an indicator of how much fat (plaque) is built up in the arteries. High levels of calcium can increase your risk of heart disease. The lower the number, the lower the risk.

  • 0 goal


Triglycerides (Blood Fat); excess alcohol, processed sugars and simple carbohydrates increase your blood fat level.

  • 150 mg or less

Heart Disease Risk

ACSVD (10-Year Cardiovascular Atherosclerotic Risk) uses blood pressure, cholesterol and other factors to determine your risk of developing hardening of the arteries, which can lead to coronary artery disease, stroke, kidney problems and more.

  • 5% or less


Body mass index (BMI) is calculated using a person's height and weight to estimate if you are at a healthy weight or not.

  • 18.6 to 24 is healthy

Blood Sugar

The A1C test is a blood test tells the average blood sugar (glucose) levels over the last 3 months. It shows blood sugar control over time.

  • Less than 5.6%

Improve Your Numbers

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  2. Limit animal products; eat plant proteins.
  3. Avoid bad fats.
  4. Stay hydrated.
  5. Avoid alcoholic and sugary beverages.
  6. Get aerobic exercise 30 minutes every day.
  7. Lose weight.
  8. Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.
  9. Reduce stress by practicing mindfulness.
  10. Use HEPA filters and avoid chemical and smoke irritants.

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