Benefits Line: 303.398.1740
Whether at work or at home, your quality of life is important to us. National Jewish Health is proud to offer affordable health and group benefits and a retirement plan that helps you save for your future.
The Benefits Overview Guide will provide you with a general overview of your benefit choices and enrollment information. We encourage you to take the time to review the Benefits Overview Guide to educate yourself about your benefit options and choose the best coverage that's right for you.
Open Enrollment 2025
You can elect or make changes only one time each year during open enrollment, unless you have a family status change or other qualifying event. This year’s open enrollment period is November 4 – November 15, 2024. Benefit elections made during the annual open enrollment period will be effective on January 1, 2025.
View/Enroll in My Benefits
Benefit enrollment is done through Oz and can be completed either from home or at work. Log in to view, change or enroll.
Benefit Contacts
Benefits Line
Cigna One Guide
(help with plan selection)