Faculty & Staff
Jerry A. Nick, MD, is the Director and is based at National Jewish Health (NJH). He is active in clinical research through the CFF Therapeutic Development Network (TDN), as well as leading an independent research group. As Director, Dr. Nick coordinates and integrates the Program cores and activities, reviews utilization and quality of core resources, and provides general administrative leadership and budget management for the Center. In addition, he helps to provide leadership and scientific direction to the Program, as well as promote CF research, education and access to Core resources within the Colorado CF research base and nationwide.
Scott Sagel, MD, PhD, is the Associate Director, and is based at Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHCO), with an active program of CFF and NIH-funded research. As Associate Director, Dr. Sagel assists in all of the duties outlined above. In addition, Dr. Sagel serves as Director of the Research Training and Educational Enrichment Program (RTEEP).
Brian Day, PhD is the Director of the Pilot Grant Program and is Vice-Chairman for Research of the Department of Medicine, and Professor of Medicine at NJH, with extensive experience as a NIH grant reviewer (LIRR Study Section). In addition, Dr. Day has studied lung antioxidants in CF for the past two decades. Dr. Day's responsibilities are to:
maintain oversight and review of pilot studies, including recommendations regarding termination or other actions to the RDP Executive Committee;
Oversee all aspects of solicitation and review of new proposals,
maintain a record of subsequent career events of each pilot study recipient. Ultimate oversight the Pilot Grants Program will be through the Administrative Core.
Core Labs
NTM Culture, Biorepository and Coordinating Core
Molecular Core
Michael Strong, PhD is the Director of the CF NTM Molecular Core. Dr. Strong is an Associate Professor in the Center for Genes, Environment, and Health, at National Jewish Health. His research focuses on the development and implementation of computational and molecular methods to better generate, integrate and analyze genomic information, with a focus on respiratory diseases and disease pathogens, including Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). His group has active projects and collaborations that include complete genome sequencing, gene expression analysis, protein and gene network analysis, and structural informatics.
Clinical Core Lab
Stacey Martiniano, MD and Jerry Nick, MD
Stacey Martiniano, MD is the Director of the Clinical Research Core. Dr. Martiniano is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and Children’s Hospital Colorado. Her clinical and research efforts have been dedicated to improving outcomes in children with cystic fibrosis (CF), specifically in those patients with nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections. As Director, Dr. Martiniano will counsel and support RDP investigators with design and performance of clinical studies, assist with study coordination and patient recruitment, help complete institutional regulatory applications (institutional review board, clinical translational research center), provide oversight and lead three ongoing studies at Children's Hospital Colorado (PREDICT and PATIENCE trials and pharmacokinetic trial of oral agents for the treatment of NTM in CF), and facilitate and lead forthcoming clinical investigations of NTM treatments. Dr. Martiniano will also help to provide leadership and scientific direction to the Overall Program, as well as promote CF NTM research, education and access to Clinical Core resources.
Institutional Relationship and Lines of Authority
The Administrative Core is located at National Jewish Health. Additional RDP participants are located within other departments of the University of Colorado Denver (UCD) School of Medicine and at Colorado State University (CSU). The External and Internal Advisory Committees report to the Administrative Core, which also administrates the Pilot Grant Program. Although autonomous, the Research Cores and RTEEP report to the Administrative Core with regards to utilization of core resources, prioritization of services and projects, and change of core functions.