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This information was reviewed and approved by Ronina A. Covar, MD (6/1/2017).

Worsening of asthma at night is very common.

Many factors may contribute to the increased symptoms, including:

  • Exposure to allergens in the bedroom, particularly dust mites

  • Delayed allergic response, which may occur 3 – 8 hours after exposure

  • Chronic sinus problems and/or postnasal drip

  • Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)

  • Airway cooling from a drop in body temperature at night

  • Decreased effect of medications during early morning hours

  • Sleep apnea — brief, repetitive cessation of breathing during sleep, caused by an upper airway obstruction


Actions You Can Take against Nocturnal Asthma

Many children experience a worsening of their asthma symptoms at night. Treatment of any underlying causes is important. Controlling allergen exposure in the bedroom, treating sinusitis and/or postnasal drip and gastroesophageal reflux are important for managing nighttime symptoms. Your child’s doctor may need to adjust medications to give extra protection during the night. Remember, your child should be able to sleep through the night without asthma symptoms.

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