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Grape Tomato Salad

Tomatoes are filled with lycopene, a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals in your body. Skip the lettuce in this new twist on a salad.



  • Grape Tomatoes and Green Peppers1 cup halved red grape tomatoes

  • 1 cup halved yellow cherry tomatoes

  • 1 green bell pepper diced

  • 1 1/2 T olive oil

  • 1 T sweetened rice vinegar

  • ¼ t garlic powder

  • ¼ t dried oregano or fresh oregano to taste

  • Sea salt to taste



  1. Mix tomatoes, green pepper, olive oil, rice vinegar, and garlic powder in a bowl.

  2. Sprinkle oregano over tomato and pepper mixture. Season with salt and let marinate in refrigerator until chilled, then serve.