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Living with Heart Disease

Couple with an appleHeart disease kills more Americans than cancer each year. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help you control and often reduce risk factors that lead to heart disease.

Small changes including reducing salt intake, increasing physical activity, eating more vegetables and less meat, taking time every day to de-stress and getting a good night's sleep, can significantly reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure. Research shows that plant-based diets help decrease strokes, heart attacks and many forms of cancer as well as increased life expectancy and fertility. To successfully make lifestyle changes, start with a plan that has realistic and specific goals, and rewards for accomplishments.

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Cardiology at National Jewish Health

At National Jewish Health, you’ll find:

  • Clinical trials for heart patients
  • A focused and integrated approach
  • State-of-the-art testing
  • A therapy plan designed for you
  • Nutrition advice from expert dietitians
  • Cardiac rehabilitation services

Learn about our Cardiology Programs.