Living with Exercise Intolerance
If you are having trouble breathing while exercising beyond what is considered normal, you may have exercise intolerance. Subtle breathing problems are a very common cause of exercise intolerance and the condition can be effectively treated.
The most important step toward treating your exercise intolerance is having a thorough exam done. Observation of symptoms in an exercise lab can be very helpful. Treatment of exercise intolerance depends on the cause. For example, exercise intolerance caused by asthma will be treated differently from exercise intolerance caused by muscular abnormalities. Specialists from different disciplines may become involved in your care if causes unrelated to breathing are detected. Education surrounding different techniques for breathing and exercising, and possibly medication, will comprise your treatment plan.
As you get older, your needs will change. Continue to follow up with your doctor regularly so treatment can be adjusted. With time and some effort, you will be able to exercise without respiratory distress.
Featured Stories
Vocal Cord Dysfunction Sidelined Runner Lexi Beggan
My name is Lexi Began. I'm 16. I like running, especially coming downhill. It kind of makes me feel like I'm flying. My identity definitely was as a runner until the pain started. In the races I'd make it a mile or two before the pain would start with this tingling in my arms. It was a severe burning pain in my stomach. By the time I had to drop out I was usually in tears. The doctors couldn't tell me what was going on. They had a few suggestions.
We did a lot of testing. They had no idea or the test results came back negative. There was one doctor who pretty much told me it was all in my head. You kind of start to believe it. It was a tough time. It's kind of hard to look back on considering. I was like really depressed and I didn't really want to. I don't really want to keep on living. My coach saw an article on the Daily Camera and he sent us an email saying do you think it could be this VCD thing? During VCD or vocal cord dysfunction attacks the vocal cords partially or totally close causing terrifying shortness of breath. So when we brought Lexi in we were trying to recreate what was happening in real life. When Lexi's throat was closing it was tremendously difficult to breathe and then downstream of that as she started to breathe faster and faster some of those other symptoms were popping up like the chest pain. It gets to the end and she is spent and he looked ecstatic and he said I think we're gonna be able to help your daughter. I'm confident. I'm confident. We walked out and she just turns and she's bawling. She's like mom I might have an answer.
They might have the answer and it was like somebody gave me my kid back you know. She raced the open race and she raced I think it was 330 girls and she took fifth. She hadn't even been able to finish a race and now she took fifth. For our family you have changed our lives and you have given my daughter hope and her smile has returned and from the bottom of our heart we sincerely thank you. My hope kind of soared. Maybe I could have that dream that I've always hoped for. National Jewish Health has got me back on track. I can't wait for the next season.
Exercise & Performance Breathing Center at National Jewish Health
The mission of the Exercise & Performance Breathing Center at National Jewish Health is to empower children and adults of any athletic level to exercise to their fullest capacity and overcome associated medical and psychosocial barriers now and in the future through elite clinical care, discovery, and teaching care providers.
Learn more about our Exercise & Performance Breathing Center.