Living with Pediatric Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)
Pediatric Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) is often mistaken for asthma because both conditions produce similar symptoms. With VCD, vocal chords tighten or close completely causing shortness of breath and asthma-like symptoms. Triggers of VCD are similar to asthma and may include exercise, strong odors, smoke, increased stress, upper respiratory infections, coughing, laughing or singing, or changes in temperature or humidity.
Children with VCD can learn to manage their condition. Speech therapy will form the basis of your child’s treatment. A speech-language pathologist will identify triggers, then use individualized exercises and techniques to prevent, and ultimately eliminate VCD. Counseling can also be beneficial. Support your child’s overall well-being by ensuring they have a healthy routine, nutritious food, adequate sleep for their age and plenty of activity.
Follow-up visits with your child’s doctor will be used to review and reinforce techniques and to provide support and education. With the help of your child’s medical team and a commitment to therapy, your child’s VCD can be managed and treated.
Featured Stories
Vocal Cord Dysfunction Sidelined Runner Lexi Beggan
My name is Lexi Beggan, I am 16, I like running. Especially coming downhill. It kind of makes me feel like I'm flying.
My identity was definitely as a runner. Until the pain started.
In the races, I'd make it a mile or two before the pain would start with this tingling in my arms. It was a severe burning pain in my stomach.
By the time I had to drop out, I was usually in tears.
The doctors couldn't tell me what was going on. They had a few suggestions, we did a lot of testing, they had no idea why the test results came back negative.
There was one doctor who pretty much told me it was all in my head. You kind of start to believe it, and it was a tough time. It's kind of hard to look back on considering, I was like really depressed and I didn't really want to, I didn't really want to keep on living, so yeah.
My coach saw an article in the Daily Camera, and he sent us an email saying do you think it could be this VCD thing?
During VCD, or Vocal Cord Dysfunction attacks, the vocal cords partially or totally close, causing terrifying shortness of breath.
So, when we brought Lexi in, we were trying to recreate what was happening in real life.
When Lexi's throat was closing it was tremendously difficult to breathe, and then downstream of that, she started to breathe faster and faster. Some of those other symptoms were popping up like the chest pain.
It gets to the end, and she is spent. And, he looked ecstatic. He said, I think we're going to be able to help your daughter. I'm confident, I'm confident.
We walked out, and she just turns and she's balling. She's like, mom, I might have an answer. They might have the answer. And, it was like somebody gave me my kid back, you know.
She raced the open race, and she raced, I think it was 330 girls, and she took fifth. She hadn't even been able to finish a race, and now she took fifth.
For our family, you have changed our lives, and you have given my daughter hope, and her smile has returned, and from the bottom of our heart, we sincerely thank you.
My hope kind of soared. Maybe, I could have that dream that I've always hoped for.
National Jewish Health has gotten me back on track. I can't wait for the next season.
Pediatric Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) Care at National Jewish Health:
Our comprehensive program offers many services for you and your child:
- The latest in clinical trials
- Novel and advanced VCD testing
- A therapy plan customized for your child
- Comprehensive speech therapy
- In-depth, one-on-one teaching, including training in self-care
- Continued follow-up to treat your child’s changing needs.
Learn more about our Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) Treatment Programs.